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Dependency vulnerability scanning
Quality and complexity checking
Issue status and response times
Dependency license checking
Automated code security scanning
Source code analysis
Static analysis for finding runtime errors and quality issues
Prevention of zero-days through static analysis
Project stats and trends
Dependency Update Checking
Recent traffic and clone stats
Historical code and contributor graphic
GitHub Stars over Time
Branch Topology
Repo activity archive
Development community stats
Dev Demo CI and Deployment
Build status for GH actions
Uptime Monitoring
Localisation tool
Tool for analyzing pull requests
Open Dashy's source code in the VS Code IDE
Support Dashy's future development
Deployment of master branch
Example instance with demo data
Documentation and info website
Source code, issues and PRs
Secret detection
Repo summary and change notifications
PR Info and Stats
Conditional checklists in PRs
Repo traffic and clones
Summary and notifications of new releases
Deploy to Netlify with 1-Click
Heroku Element App
Docker container
Sandbox environment
Deploy Dashy to a Cloudflare Worker
Deploy Dashy to Vercel
Deploy Dashy to DO
Deploy Dashy to GCP
Deploy Dashy to Render
Deploy Dashy to Scalingo
See full list of deployment services